SmarTally® Report Viewer
Keep on top of production and other information with SmarTally® Report Viewer (RV). Complimentary with the purchase of any SmarTally® product, Report Viewer is your hub to access reports from each SmarTally® application. With advanced reporting filters and automated reporting capabilities like auto-printing, auto-exporting, and auto-emailing, SmarTally® RV ensures that you always have access to your data when you need it.
Contact Us to learn more or request a live demo.
Product Features
- Supports both local and remote reporting options
- Filter data by shift, day, week, month, calendar year, fiscal year, or custom range
- Apply filters to customize report data, and save these reports for later use
- Automated report printing, PDF exporting, and emailing
- Integration with SmarTally® Shift Scheduler for accurate shift-based reporting
A Unified Location for All of Your Data
SmarTally® RV brings the reporting functionality of all SmarTally® products together into one central location. The application can be installed on a production machine or on a remote machine on the network, where custom lists of reports can be made available on a user-by-user basis.
Report Viewer can then be set up to automatically print, export to PDF, or email reports at the end of each shift. Never miss out on pertinent production data again.
Fully-Customizable Reports & Advanced Filtering Options
SmarTally® RV offers advanced reporting features such as date range filtering, customizable reporting parameters, and automated report-generation. Any field that appears on a report can be used as a filter simply by checking the box next to it. Filters that have been applied to a report can be saved and called up at a later date.
With the incorporation of SmarTally® Shift Scheduler, reports may be generated accurately on a shift-by-shift basis. With this functionality comes the ability to filter by day, week, month, calendar or fiscal year, or any other customizable date range. SmarTally® SS also includes shift and crew designations. Need to generate a report based on an entire month but only for Day Shift? SmarTally® RV has you covered.
Upgrade Now
Running an older version of SmarTally®? Users with an active support contract are entitled to free updates.
Contact Us for more information.

Each purchase of a SmarTally® software product includes complimentary copies of SmarTally® Report Viewer and SmarTally® Shift Scheduler.
Contact Us
Toll Free: 1-866-614-0205
Direct: 1-250-614-0204
Fax: 1-250-614-0207
Email: info@microwestdesign.com